We take the safety and wellbeing of your child seriously and are committed to identifying and providing you with a wide range of information you may find helpful to help you to keep your child safe.
If your child has a safeguarding/Prevent concern they should be encouraged to raise either with yourselves or the College.
If you have any concerns, you can use the following form to report a safeguarding concern. This form will be sent to the DSL once submitted.
Report a Concern Form
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection command) provides information on keeping children safe online.
Thinkuknow provides further details on how to protect your child from online abuse.
Barnardo's provides information on protecting children from Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE).
The NSPCC provides information for adults worried about children.
InternetMatters provides guidance on protecting children from radicalisation and extremism.
Run Hide Tell provides information on dealing with a terrorist attack.
h2b safer has produced a leaflet entitled Terrorism Attacks guide for parents and carers.
The National Crime Agency has produced advice for parents on sextortion.
Mind has a wealth of resources relating to young people and mental health