Reporting and Key Contacts

At Derwentside College we want all learners to achieve their maximum potential in an environment which feels safe, secure and supportive. If you are worried about anything or have concerns about your well-being, talk to a member of staff such as your tutor/training consultant or any member of staff you feel you can talk to.

The College also has a Designated Safeguarding Lead who is responsible for all aspects of safeguarding in the College can support you with any concerns you may have.

The people listed below will be on hand to help you.


Please note that Safeguarding and/or Prevent concerns do not need to relate to College work/activities.

As a College, we recognise that there needs to be a reporting mechanism for learners who are based in the workplace or who are on work placement. Therefore, if you have any concerns, you can use the following form to report a safeguarding concern.  This form will be sent to the DSL once submitted. 

Report a Concern Form

You can report a safeguarding concern in any way you choose (speaking to your Lecturer/Training Consultant, contacting the DSL or completing the form).  What is important, is that you report any concerns that you have so that we can support you.

The College has a Designated Safeguarding Lead who is the main point of contact for any safeguarding issues in the College.

The DSL (and deputy when the DSL is away from College) is available for staff, volunteers, parents or learners to discuss safeguarding needs, and is responsible for:

  • Keeping you informed, as appropriate, of what has happened in respect of any disclosure you forward to them

  • Keeping the safeguarding policy and procedure up to date

  • Attending accredited, enhanced training each year

  • Ensuring adequate reporting and recording systems are in place

  • Referring any safeguarding issues to the appropriate agency

Further details of the role of the DSL and other staff who can provide support can be found below along with their contact details. 

If you would like to speak to any of the staff in person, please contact Reception in the first instance.


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Michael Johnson

Location: Room 110

Availability: Monday to Thursday 08:30 - 17:00, Friday 08:30 - 16:30

Notes: Assistant Principal - Student Services


As Assistant Principal - Student Services, Michael is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, and is the first suggested point of contact should you have any concerns at all involving Safeguarding and PREVENT.


Karen Hankey

Location: Room 43

Availability: Monday to Thursday 08:30 - 17:00, Friday 08:30 - 16:30

Notes: Curriculum Leader (Student Services)


Karen is the main point of contact for safeguarding/Prevent issues if Michael is unavailable.



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Julie Eddy

Location: Room 14

Availability: Monday to Thursday 08:30 - 17:00, Friday 08:30 - 16:30

Notes: SEND Lead


Julie is the main point of contact for safeguarding/Prevent issues if Michael or Karen are unavailable.



Bridge House Mission (min age 21) - 01642 800 311 

CAMHS Crisis Team - 0191 441 5733

Changing Lives Crisis Accommodation - 0191 371 0541

Childline - 0800 1111

County Durham Family Information Service - 03000 26 99 95

DCC Housing Solutions (out of hours) - 01388 722 538

First Contact - 03000 267979

The Forced Marriage Unit - 02070 080151

The Halo Project - 01642 683045  

National Domestic Violence Helpline - 0808 2000 247

NHS - Local Care Direct - 111

Papyrus - 0800 068 4141

Police - 999

Samaritans - 116 123

Sexual Assault Referral Centre - 03333 448283 Option 2

Shelter Free Housing - 0808 800 4444

Social Care Direct - 03000 267 979

Sunderland Substance Misuse Service - 03000 266666 Option 1

There has been a growing awareness of the prevalence of Gender Based Violence, Sexual Abuse and Harassment which has been widely highlighted as a growing problem    It is important that all students at Derwentside College feel safe and secure while at college.  No one should feel uncomfortable or intimidated or threaten. To this end we have zero tolerance to any sexual harassment or abuse.  We encourage anyone receiving, witnessing or being aware of any such abuse to please report it through any of the channels available.  It is vital that any abuse is reported so we can address it and ensure it does not continue and no other students are exposed to it.

Please report it to a member of staff, or the Safeguarding Team.  You can also text 07984 404 691 or email  It is totally confidential and you can remain anonymous if you prefer.

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