Safeguarding Policies and Procedures

At Derwentside College, we believe that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of learners is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with learners and their parents or carers has a role to play in safeguarding.

External Context

This section contains key external guidance which provides the context to the College approach to Safeguarding.

Internal Policies and Procedures

Derwentside College have developed a range of Safeguarding Policies; this section details these policies.

The information serves to ensure that advice and support is in place to help learners, staff, employers and other partners understand the key concepts and the College policies responding to Safeguarding.

As a College, we recognise that there needs to be a reporting mechanism for learners who are based in the workplace or who are on work placement. Therefore, if you have any concerns, you can use the following form to report a safeguarding concern. This form will be sent to the DSL once submitted.

Report a Concern Form